Re-useable bags are the answer
Posted on April 19th, 2023
Written by Jo Stoyel, Plastic Free CQ.
Reusable Bags are back…Did they ever really go, or did we just get lazy?
With Woolworths phasing out the 15c bag, it’s time to think reusable bags!
When the single-use ban came into effect in September 2018’ major retailers provided heavier single-use bags for a 15c fee, these bags are now being phased-out from all Woolworths and Big W stores. By June 2023, they won’t be available anymore. The move will see; more than 9000 tons of plastic removed from circulation, a positive for litter and waste streams across Australia.
Before the 1970’s no plastic bags for shopping existed. Instead, baskets or cloth bags were the options. These are still fantastic options for your shopping needs.
Woolworths will provide a paper bag for people who forget their reusable bags. However, paper bags aren’t a long-term, sustainable solution. We have to ask ourselves:
- Where are they produced?
- What materials, glues, dyes etc.
- Who makes them?
- Do we need one?
The only sustainable solutions are to BYO cloth bags and baskets; utilise boxes if available or ask staff for one. “Bring back the box”.
If you, like me, forget your bags! You can pack items straight back into your trolley and then your car, and when you return home, grab your bags to bag up. I also hang mine on the back of the front door and grab them when heading to the shops. There are many ways and options for avoiding plastic shopping bags.
To stay up-to-date with plastic bans, options to reduce plastic in our everyday life, and engaging with reusables in your Community to eliminate unnecessary waste for small businesses, follow us on socials Plastic Free CQ or contact Jo Stoyel Coordinator Plastic Free CQ on