Year of Accessible Tourism – Free online accessible tourism training sessions
Posted on May 24th, 2023
As part of the 2023 Year of Accessible Tourism, Get Skilled Access on behalf of the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport will deliver free online accessible tourism training sessions for tourism businesses across the state including:
Accessibility Grant Application Workshop
Thursday 25May 2023, 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
During this interactive webinar, you will learn how to identify your business’ accessibility needs and how the different types of grants may suit what you are looking to achieve. You will also gain insights into tips and best practices when applying for grants and have the opportunity to ask questions of our expert facilitators in a comfortable and safe space.
Get Skilled Access is a National Disability Inclusion and Accessibility Consultancy founded by Paralympian, disability advocate and 2022 Australian of the Year, Dylan Alcott. We call people in, not out and believe that open conversations are key to reducing stigma and learning.