Cheers, Wine & Spirit Bottles Now Included In Containers For Change
Posted on October 31st, 2023
Plastic Free CQ welcomes the inclusion of wine and spirit bottles in the container for change program. From 1 November 2023, wine and spirit bottles will be included in the container for the change scheme in Queensland.
All glass wine & spirit bottles from 150ml to 3L will be accepted for a 10-cent refund at Queensland’s container refund points.
The Queensland Government has given wine and spirit manufacturers until January 2027 to display the 10-cent refund marking on their labels. During this grace period, eligible glass wine and spirit bottles can be returned for a refund without the 10-cent mark.
Community drives these changes and the hospitality community has been heard. All hospitality premises can now tap into the container for change programs in some way. The service is free and should be utilised to aid in Queensland’s circular economy. Set up a system that’s easy for staff to engage.
Contact Plastic Free CQ for more info or to become a member of this growing zero-plastic
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