First pipes laid for $88.2 million Mount Morgan Pipeline
Posted on January 24th, 2024
The first pipes for the $88.2 million Mount Morgan pipeline have been laid along Kabra Road.
The 28km potable water pipeline will provide long-term water security to Mount Morgan, providing certainty and prosperity to the community.
This vital project will be a game changer for the region after the community endured a prolonged period of drought and water restrictions. Once complete, the Pipeline and associated works will bring an end to water carting and ensure the future needs of both Mount Morgan and Gracemere are met, delivering jobs and economic prosperity for Central Queensland.
The Mount Morgan Pipeline is jointly-funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments and Rockhampton Regional Council with approximately 50 jobs set to be created.
The project includes:
- Construction of a 28km potable water pipeline from the Pump Station at Gracemere to Mount Morgan
- Upgrade of the Old Capricorn Highway pump station
- Construction of a new reservoir and new pump station at Lucas Street Gracemere
- New pump station and small reservoir at Moonmera, which is approximately halfway along the pipeline route
- Upgrade to the Razorback Road leading into Mount Morgan while the pipeline is being laid
Significant construction will soon progress. Construction of the new reservoirs, pump stations and widening of Razorback Road will commence later in 2024. These works will also support projected growth in Gracemere, ensuring the community has the water security needed to grow and thrive.
The project is anticipated to be completed in September 2025, weather permitting.