Rookwood Weir spills water for the first time
Posted on January 8th, 2024
Central Queensland’s new Rookwood Weir began spilling water for the first time in the early hours of Wednesday 27 December 2023. The weir is currently at 122 per cent capacity, after reaching its full supply level of 74,300 megalitres.
The spill comes after significant rainfall in the catchment just more than a month after the weir’s official construction completion.
Rookwood Weir is operating as designed and safely passing water downstream, with a flow rate of approximately 41,900 megalitres per day.
Wet commissioning activities to test the weir’s infrastructure continue, with assessments of certain equipment now possible due to the water level at the weir.
The spill has increased after further rainfall into the catchment overnight and is expected to continue for several weeks.
Rookwood Weir is not accessible to the public and with water still over roads near the site, Sunwater urges members of the public wishing to see the weir spilling to avoid travelling to the area. Visit the Rookwood Weir Facebook page to see the latest footage and imagery of the weir spilling.