Media Releases - Latest News

Capricorn Events Receive Major Funding in State Announcement

A recent announcement by Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Kate Jones has confirmed $120,000 worth of funding as part of Tourism and Events Queensland’s (TEQ) second round of the Queensland Destination Events Program (QDEP) for four major events within the… Read more »

Capricorn Coast Businesses Enjoy Bumper Festive Season

Local Capricorn Coast businesses are all smiles following a bumper Christmas and New Year period. Great weather coupled with the opening of Yeppoon’s new foreshore water park, ‘Keppel Kracken’, has ensured an even busier than expected period for the Coast’s Retail and Hospitality… Read more »

Tourism Future Looks Bright

Combine inbound tourism growth into Australia, increased domestic and international visitors to our destination over the past year and continued strategic collaboration, opportunities for our tourism industry are the best in twenty (20) years according to Capricorn Enterprise Chairman Graham… Read more »

Expansion of Northern Australia Alliance

The future for Northern Australia has received a boost with the expansion of the Northern Australia Alliance to include Capricorn Enterprise and Townsville Enterprise. The Alliance, which was launched by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott in June this year as… Read more »

Convention Centre/Stadium key to Economic Growth as part of Rockhampton City/Riverfront Master Plan

The Convention Centre as stage one of the Convention Centre/Stadium is key to Rockhampton’s economic growth and is an integral part of the overall master planning required for the city’s riverfront redevelopment according to Capricorn Enterprise, the region’s peak tourism… Read more »

Building Capricorn Tourism Ambassadors

On Thursday September 3 a group of front line tourism staff from Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast accommodation houses and tourism operations familiarised themselves with some of the region’s key hero experiences. The activity was designed to increase participant’s awareness of… Read more »

High Growth Business Program Delivered for Local Businesses

Twenty nine (29) businesses from Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast will participate in the first ever delivery of the High Growth Business Program – Economic Gardening CQ. The inaugural Program, which commences next week, is the first of its kind… Read more »

Best Chance for Water Infrastructure is Now!

The best chance for critical water infrastructure for CQ is now, according to the region’s peak economic development Organisation, Capricorn Enterprise. The construction of the Eden Bann and Rookwood Weirs on the Fitzroy River to develop our agricultural industry is… Read more »

Visitor Growth to Year Ending June 2015!

IVS (International Visitor Survey) data to year ending June 2015 has today revealed an increase of 11% visitor growth to the Southern Great Barrier Reef destination which includes the Capricorn region (Rockhampton, Capricorn Coast, Central Highlands) compared to the previous… Read more »

Visitor Growth to March 2015 despite TC Marcia

IVS (International Visitor Survey) data to year ending March 2015 has today revealed an increase of 16% visitor growth to the Southern Great Barrier Reef destination which includes the Capricorn region (Rockhampton, Capricorn Coast, Central Highlands) compared to the previous… Read more »