Media Releases - Latest News

Rocky ticks all the boxes to host the RIRDC

CQUniversity and Capricorn Enterprise have joined forces to push for Rockhampton as the new home of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). These regional-focused institutions have a common goal in following up on Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce’s announcement… Read more »

New lifestyle video created to entice health service professionals the Rockhampton region

Capricorn Enterprise, in partnership with members of its Health Alliance, is excited to announce the launch of a new recruitment video aimed at attracting medical staff and students to the Rockhampton Region. The video aims at promoting the lifestyle and… Read more »

Capricorn Enterprise Launches New Corporate Website

Today the region’s peak economic development organisation launches its new completely responsive corporate website to take advantage of Google’s announcement earlier this year that they will be boosting the search ranking for mobile friendly sites. Today’s launch of follows… Read more »

Yeppoon Civic Welcome to American Students

This Monday 22nd June at 1.30pm, the Capricorn Coast welcomed its first bus of American Students as part of the People to People Student Ambassador program for 2015. The students participated in their first Civic Welcome, which was conducted by… Read more »

Visitor Centre Volunteers Celebrated – Thank You!

This National Volunteers Week Capricorn Enterprise’s 51 wonderful volunteers will be guests of honour at thank you breakfasts in recognition of their invaluable contribution to the local community in welcoming visitors to the region 7 days a week. Like many… Read more »

“Sea change” growth trend continues on Capricorn Coast!

Population growth, building approvals and unemployment figures reveal that the Capricorn Coast continues its ‘sea-change’ appeal for working families. The latest ABS figures reveal some very positive trends for the new Livingstone Shire – particularly in the key areas of… Read more »

Southern Great Barrier Reef Golf Championship!

Yeppoon Golf Club to host event from Tuesday July 28 to Saturday August 1, 2015 After the recent announcement that the Mercure Capricorn Resort will not be hosting their annual Pro-Am Golf Classic in July (after 23 consecutive years), citing… Read more »

High Profile Instagrammer to #VisitCapricorn

Capricorn Enterprise will be hosting high profile Instagrammer – Reichlyn Aguilar (@rikerama) next week on the Capricorn Coast and in Rockhampton (22nd – 26th March). Reichlyn has over 36,000 followers on Instagram and is a perfect candidate to showcase the… Read more »

Pro Am Golf Classic Taking a Break in 2015

The annual Pro Am Golf Classic held at Mercure Capricorn Resort in Yeppoon on the Capricorn Coast will not appear on the Queensland golfing calendar this year (Wednesday 29th July to Sunday 2nd August 2015), which would have celebrated it’s… Read more »

Launch of new Responsive Destination Website!

After $30,000 investment and 3 months in the making, today, Capricorn Enterprise officially launches a brand new responsive destination website which will deliver a highly visual and engaging website to better interact with users on any mobile device. Capricorn… Read more »