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Local Aussie Rules team takes out impressive record

After 44 years, the Yeppoon Swans have snatched the record for the longest winning streak in Australian Rules history! After defeating Boyne Island Tannum Sands in the grand final of the AFL Capricornia competition last weekend, the local stars now… Read more »

The TODAY Show once again wowed by our destination

Following three days of successful and well-received live crosses a fortnight ago from Yeppoon, Byfield and Great Keppel Island, the Channel 9 crew from the popular TODAY Show were inspired to return to the region and capture even more of… Read more »

Bureau of Meteorology declares La Nina event

The Bureau of Meteorology has declared that La Niña has developed in the Pacific Ocean, upgrading from a La Niña ALERT status to an active event. This means that recent changes in ocean temperatures and weather patterns over the Pacific… Read more »

Mount Morgan pours some gold fever on the TODAY Show’s Tim Davies

Once one of the world’s most productive gold mines, located in Central Queensland’s charming hinterland, Mount Morgan sparkled in the spotlight as Channel 9’s TODAY Show broadcasted their live weather crosses from the Mount Morgan Historical Railway Museum, right in… Read more »

Capricorn Enterprise Annual Major Projects Forum

Thursday October 29th – Frenchville Sports Club This year’s Major Projects Forum features a broad range of presentations that will inform a broad spectrum of regional industry leaders. Taking place at Frenchville Sports Club in Rockhampton, the normally 220-strong event… Read more »

Pumpkin Island offsets 150% of carbon emissions for 2019

Pumpkin Island – Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions – offsetting 63.68 tonnes + 50% = 95.52 tonnes of GHG emissions – Beyond Carbon Neutral Destination The team at Pumpkin Island have just completed their annual audit of greenhouse gas emissions for… Read more »

Nature nomad Laura set to discover our gorge-ous Carnarvon

Between 28th September and 6th October, freelance travel writer, speaker, author, long distance hiker and nature nomad, Laura Waters will be taking a journey through Roma from her south-east Queensland home town before arriving at our beautifully diverse Carnarvon Gorge…. Read more »

New CQ TAFE Centre of Excellence needed for regional recovery and growth

The Rockhampton region cannot be expected to keep up with competing Queensland regions, nor mount a sustainable post-COVID economic recovery without sophisticated vocational and trades training facilities. That is the message coming from Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll, who today… Read more »

The Feel Good Family share their Top 10 Capricorn Region’s must do experiences

With Queensland Good To Go, Paul, Katie & Jasper are The Feel Good Family and they have just enjoyed their second visit to the spectacular Capricorn Region. Having fallen in love with this part of Queensland they wanted to share… Read more »

Outcome.Life Placements – host an engineering intern in your organisation

Capricorn Enterprise have partnered with InternMatch to provide you access to quality students and graduates who are ready to support your business. InternMatch work with enthusiastic students and graduates who are looking for exposure to real-life business environments where they can put… Read more »