Business Update – May 2018
Posted on May 23rd, 2018
Business updates – ensure you and your business know the latest grants, opportunities, events, webinars and training occurring in our region – read more.
Made in Queensland – Closing soon
Expression of interest closes 24 May 2018
Eligibility and application information
Made in Queensland is a Queensland Government initiative supporting our manufacturing sector to become more internationally competitive and adopt innovative processes and technologies. The $40 million grants program is aimed at increasing jobs in Queensland manufacturing businesses and growing the state’s economy.
Small to medium Queensland-based manufacturers are welcome to submit their expression of interest by 24 May 2018.
Small Business Entrepreneur Grants Program
Applications for the third round of this program close 6 June 2018
Eligibility and application information
This program is available to newly started small businesses to enable them to access professional advice and support in the critical early stages of establishing a business. Matched funding of up to $5,000 may be provided to eligible businesses to participate in training, engage a consultant, advisor or business coach for up to 3 months to help establish or develop the business.
Growing Queensland’s Companies
Eligibility and application information
The Australian Centre for Business Growth is delivering this program through a Growth Clinic and Growth Modules, providing knowledge, skills and frameworks to enable leaders to take their business to the next level. CEOs and company executives will have the opportunity to work with the Centre’s world-class growth experts, gain access to growth tools, resources and support, and learn how to identify growth opportunities and overcome business challenges.
Advanced Manufacturing Early Stage Research Fund
Eligibility and application information
Matched funding of between $100,000 and $400,000 will be available to support small-scale and pilot research projects in advanced manufacturing, and benefit smaller firms and early stage research, helping SMEs move an idea more quickly to larger-scale research or commercialisation. The fund will run until 2020/21 with up to $1 million available in annual funding to back industry-led, small scale and pilot research projects.
Land 400 Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence
A general expression of interest process is now open on the ICN Gateway for the construction of the Rheinmetall Defence Australia Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence in Ipswich, Queensland. Watpac has been appointed as managing contractor with earthworks expected to start by mid-year, building works by the end of the year, and the facility completed by the end of 2020. You can now express interest for any opportunities that may arise for the project and Watpac will progressively release trade packages in coming months utilising an expression of interest process on the ICN Gateway.
Capability Statement Workshop
Tuesday 29 May 2018 (8.00am – 12.00pm)
Level 1, 20-22 Herbert Street, Gladstone
Registration and further details
Help your business stand out from the crowd and improve your chances of securing contracts by attending this interactive workshop, where you will be provided with assistance to develop and prepare an effective capability statement. A capability statement is essential for applying for and securing tendering opportunities in government and private sector projects. At this workshop you will learn:
- why a capability statement is important
- how to use your capability statement to market your product or service
- how to use your capability statement to accompany contract tender submissions
- best practice fundamentals for developing and drafting a powerful capability statement
- how to access the latest information on Queensland’s supply chain opportunities
Techstars Startup Weekend
Friday 1 June 2018 (5.30pm), through to Sunday 3 June 2018 (5.00pm)
SmartHub Rockhampton, 208 Quay Street, Rockhampton
Registration and further details
The hardest part of starting up is starting out. At this event you will learn how to create a real company, meet the very best mentors, investors and sponsors throughout a fun filled weekend, where in just 54 hours, you will experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that make up life at a startup.
Building a High-Performing Business – Queensland Small Business Week
What are the ‘habits’ that successful businesses display over and above just ‘capability’ to translate them into success and how do they plug the performance gap?
Your Business Momentum will take you through both the business capabilities and high-performance habits you will need to bridge your gap to continued success in 2018.
When: Friday 1 June 2018, 10.00am – 10.30am
Register here
Profit Improvement Strategies for your Small Business – Queensland Small Business Week
This webinar will provide guidance to small businesses on how to improve performance, increase profitability, become more competitive and to capitalise on emerging opportunities.
When: Friday 1 June, 12.00pm – 12.30pm AEST
Register here
Annual Tax Obligations for Employers
The Australian Taxation Office is running a free webinar to highlight small business annual tax obligations, common mistakes to avoid and where to get help.
Topics include:
- pay as you go (PAYG) withholding annual report and payment summaries
- reportable fringe benefits
- Single Touch Payroll
When: Tuesday 26 June, 11.00am – 12.00pm AEST
Register here
Certificate IV in Small Business Management Workshops
Exclusively developed for small business owners, the Certificate IV in Small Business is customised to the specific needs of small businesses with immediate and practical applications to real world scenarios.
Registration and further details