Strong membership support reflects confidence in region!

Capricorn Enterprise business and industry membership continues to remain strong with our Organisation welcoming nearly 50 New Members to date this financial year (5 Gold, 1 Silver, 15 Bronze and 27 Small Business Members).

Thanks to new and existing Members, we are able to reach our Membership budget each financial year and sincerely appreciate our ongoing partnership and collaboration with you for the benefit of all in destination marketing, business support and regional growth.

Over the coming weeks, Capricorn Enterprise will be featuring some of our Tourism and Economic Development Members in groups and themes to provide further support as well as promotion to our enews and social media subscribers.

We’ll kick off with a welcome to five (5) New fishing and charter boat operators in the Fitzroy River and Keppel Bay!

Keppel Explorer

Guided Fishing Downunder (Offshore Productions)

Reel Fishing CQ & River Cruises CQ

Double Threat Charters

Rise Environmental & Guiding Services (Fitzroy Fishing Charters)

This New Product development in our destination is really exciting and complements existing fishing, charter boat, cruising and sailing operators!

Keppeluna at Keppel Bay Marina

Sail Capricornia

Funtastic Cruises

Keppel Konnections  and Whale Watching

Freedom Fast Cats and Whale Watching

Causeway Lake Boat Hire

Curtis Ferry Services

1770! Larc Tours

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