Queensland Budget 2019-20

This year’s State Budget was tabled in Parliament yesterday, Tuesday 11th June, promoted as “a budget for regional Queensland” by Treasurer Jackie Trad MP. It includes $1.1B in infrastructure spend estimated to support around 3,600 jobs in Central Queensland.

Small Business budget announcements include:

  • Lifting the payroll tax threshold from $1.1 million to $1.3 million of annual wages
  • Introducing a new regional discount rate for businesses that have more than 85% of their employees outside SEQ
  • Introducing a new rebate for employment growth providing a payroll tax rebate of up to $20,000 for businesses that can demonstrate they have increased their number of full time employees
  • Continuing the 50% Payroll tax — Apprentice and Trainee rebate to 30 June 2021

Significant projects funded in the 2019-20 Budget for Rockhampton and Yeppoon, including projects funded in partnership with the Federal Government, include:

  • $352 million Rockwood Weir,  expected to commence construction later this year.
  • $31.5 million Rockhampton Art Gallery project is receiving $5 million through Building our Regions, in addition to $2 million provided previously for a business case and $8 million in other Palaszczuk Government funds, bringing the total contribution to $15 million.
  • $622.8 million for the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service.
  • $43.7 million to maintain, improve and upgrade schools in Central Queensland.
  • $1.3 million upgrade to the Rockhampton Ambulance Station and Operational Centre.
  • $17.7 million towards the Great Keppel Island Rejuvenation Pilot.
  • $88 million in 2019-20 out of a $243.2 million total spend to increase capacity and upgrade facilities of the Capricornia Correctional Centre.

Major roads projects listed in the 2019-20 State Budget, including projects funded in partnership with the Federal Government, included:

  • $200 million towards the jointly-funded $1 Billion Rockhampton Ring Road project
  • $157 million to duplicate, from two to four lanes, the Bruce Highway Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade (stage 1) between Rockhampton-Yeppoon Road and Parkhurst and safety works at Terranova Drive
  • $80 million for the jointly-funded Rockhampton – Yeppoon Road duplication
  • $75 million to duplicate, from two to four lanes, a section of the Capricorn Highway between Rockhampton and Gracemere
  • $30 million to further improve and upgrade Rockhampton-Emu Park Road for road train access
  • $26.7 million to widen and seal the Bruce Highway between Gentle Annie Road and St Arnauds Creek, south of Rockhampton
  • $19 million to build six new overtaking lanes on the Capricorn Highway, between Gracemere and Emerald
  • $18.3 million safety works on the Bruce Highway, between Nielsen Avenue and Plentiful Creek, north of Rockhampton
  • $14.5 million for widening and safety upgrades on Bajool-Port Alma Road
  • $9.4 million to build new overtaking lanes at Plentiful Creek on the Bruce Highway, north of Rockhampton
  • $5 million to upgrade the Yeppoon Branch Rail Line.

Read the Snapshot Budget 2019-20 CENTRAL QUEENSLAND for a quick summary of how the Queensland Budget will support Central Queensland.

Read the Keppel Budget 2019-20 Highlights for the highlights in the Keppel Electorate.

Media Release: Keppel to prosper under record Budget

Media Release: State Budget cements Queensland as the best place for small business to grow and employ

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