Ash Workshop to Advance Coal Combustible Products
Posted on November 19th, 2019
In association with the Ash Development Association of Australia, Capricorn Enterprise hosted a very successful “Ash Workshop” on Thursday November 14 to advance the use of coal ash across multiple projects including civil construction, defence training area development, water and wind infrastructure projects plus in the manufacture of concrete products.
Attended by representatives from the Ash Development Association of Australia, Asian Coal Ash Association, Qld Department of Transport and Main Roads, Stanwell Corporation, CQ major project senior personnel plus regional industry representatives, the Workshop was briefed on the expanded utilisation of Ash across agriculture, civil applications including roads and bridges, cement products, plus construction.
In his presentation to the Workshop Craig Heidrich, Chief Executive Officer, Ash Development Association of Australia emphasised the expanding opportunities that are becoming evident in the utilisation of coal combustion products (CCPs) not only across Australia but internationally.
David Harris, Chairman of the Asian Coal Ash Association in his presentation to the Workshop demonstrated that Asia was leading the way in the utilisation of CCP’s in both civil and construction applications which included paving materials, building panels plus the reclamation of wet areas.
Regional Economic Development Manager with Capricorn Enterprise Neil Lethlean adds; “with three coal-fired power stations operating across the Central Queensland region (including the local Stanwell operation) we need to be cognisant of the innovative opportunities that CCP’s can provide not only for our region but to the nation”. “With all the groundwork having been covered (including research, environmental considerations, industry consultations and legislative requirements) it is our responsibility to support the use of CCP’s to its maximum benefit – and we are working to achieve this result” Neil adds!

Product overview: Fly ash and other mineral products are significant by-products from the combustion of coal for energy production and have properties that allow their use as a substitute for other energy intensive materials. The displacement of materials that require significant energy for their production such as cement, results in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, a useful contribution to meeting Australia’s emission targets. Other substantial environmental benefits from the use of CCPs include the reduction of the waste stream and requirements for landfill and the conservation of resources such as gypsum, limestone and natural gas used in cement production.
Traditionally coal combustion products in Australia were predominantly disposed of as a waste product, with the associated non-productive costs. However, this has gradually changed over the last 35 years, with CCPs use in cementitious applications utilising some 35 Mt of coal combustion product over that period. Other non-cementitious applications are gradually developing. In 2012 approximately 42% of CCPs produced were effectively used.
Workshop presentations will be made available in the coming days on the Capricorn Enterprise website.
For further information contact Neil Lethlean Regional Economic Development Manager – Office: P 4927 2055. Email: