Leisure Travel Radius Maps
Posted on May 22nd, 2020
Capricorn Enterprise has created maps to assist our Members in better understanding the State government’s Roadmap to easing Queensland restrictions in regards to the various Stages as previously distributed.
There has been a bit of confusion as to how the distances are measured – it is RADIUS from your place of residence, not km distance along a highway for example.
We have created separate maps showing the radius from Great Keppel Island, Yeppoon, Rockhampton, Emu Park, Emerald and we are in the process of creating maps from Sapphire Gemfields and Carnarvon Gorge.
We have included the following explanation on each of these maps:
Coastal Areas
The leisure travel limits (i.e. non essential travel) are measured by radius from your principal place of residence. It should be within your region, which is 150km (Stage 1, 15 May – midnight 12 June) or 250km (Stage 2, 12 June – midnight 10 July) radius from where you live, provided you don’t cross into the “Outback” or across the state border and vice-versa.
Outback Areas
The leisure travel limits for OUTBACK residents (i.e. non essential travel) are measured by radius from your principal place of residence. It should be within your region, which is Stage 1 – 500km (15 May – midnight 12 June) radius from where you live, and in Stage 2 it is “anywhere within the ‘Outback’ zone” (12 June – midnight 10 July), provided you don’t cross into the “Coastal” areas or across the state border.
Disclaimer: This map has been produced by Capricorn Enterprise to assist visitors in planning a holiday to the Capricorn Region. The information has been supplied in good faith as a guide based on the Queensland Government guidelines.
For more information visit www.capricornenterprise.com.au. As always, we are only an email or phone call away should you need assistance on any matter.
Below are links to the current travel radius maps for our region:
- Yeppoon Radius Map
- Emu Park Radius Map
- Great Keppel Island Radius Map
- Rockhampton Radius Map
- Emerald Radius Map
High Resolution copies (JPG, PDF) can be downloaded from this Dropbox link