Rookwood Weir Roundup brought to you by Sunwater
Posted on June 16th, 2020
Edition 3: 16 June 2020
Welcome to the Rookwood Weir Roundup, a newsletter update from Sunwater.
Each month, the Rookwood Weir Project team is committed to providing a progress update and sharing with you how Sunwater is investing in the region to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for Central Queenslanders.
In April, Sunwater launched the Rookwood Weir Facebook page. Follow us to stay up to date on the latest Project news.
Thirsty Creek Road upgrade The Thirsty Creek Road upgrade is expected to be completed later this month. Rockhampton Regional Council, as Sunwater’s constructor for the upgrade employed 25 Central Queenslanders on this $7.5 million project. The team has successfully widened and upgraded more than 16 kilometres of road. The road upgrade will enable Rookwood Weir early works to commence in late-2020.
Capricorn Highway Intersection upgrade Works on the Capricorn Highway Intersection upgrade is expected to be completed this month. Sunwater’s constructor, Civil Mining and Construction Pty (CMC), commenced works in mid-March 2020 to improve the safety of vehicles and heavy machinery crossing the Capricorn Highway into Gogango. These works included relocating the existing intersection approximately 200 metres west – from the Capricorn Highway to the Riverslea Road rail crossing – and widening the pavement to create a new intersection layout. CMC employed 36 Central Queenslanders on the $2.2 million project.
New Riverslea Bridge The contract to build the new Riverslea Bridge will be awarded this month and construction works are expected to commence in July. The works include constructing a 260-metre-long, 21-metre-high concrete bridge structure with a single 3.5-metre lane. There will be up to 300 metres of new road connecting the approaches to the bridge with the existing road, including passing bays at both ends. The project will employ 15 Central Queenslanders and is scheduled for completion in mid-2021.
Rookwood Weir The review and evaluation of the tender submissions from the two proponents shortlisted to build the Rookwood Weir is in its final stages. Sunwater is on track to announce the preferred constructor in July 2020.
Rookwood Weir Project Progress Report Find out how we’re investing in the region and creating jobs for Central Queenslanders by viewing our monthly Rookwood Weir Project Progress Report – May 2020.
Business opportunities for Central Queenslanders Once the preferred constructor has been appointed and the Alliance formed to build the Rookwood Weir, we are committed to providing business opportunities for Central Queenslanders wherever possible.
In preparation for the construction of the weir, Sunwater has partnered with the Industry Capability Network (ICN) to connect contractors, subcontractors and suppliers with project opportunities.
We encourage you to register your interest with our Project’s ICN supplier portal – – to be considered by the Alliance.
Rookwood Weir water sales in the pipeline Sunwater has begun working with landholders, industry and potential investors to build awareness of this new market and how to make the best use of this precious resource to grow the agricultural sector in Central Queensland. Sunwater is providing the market with the opportunity to purchase upwards of 30,000 megalitres (ML) of medium priority (MP) water for agricultural and non-urban use in Tender One and a minimum of 7,500 ML in Tender Two.
Sunwater invites landowners and investors to discuss their water needs and the opportunity to secure a water allocation from Rookwood Weir, which will be done through a two-step process.
1. Tender One (July 2020): lots of 500 ML and greater.
2. Tender Two (2022): smaller lots of less than 500 ML.
For more information on the water sales or to register your interest, visit the project website.
An Invitation to Tender for Tender One and an Expression of Interest for Tender Two will open in late June 2020.
Thank you for contributing to the Fitzroy Basin water plan consultation Thank you to those who provided input during the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy’s consultation on the Statement of proposals to help shape changes to the Fitzroy Basin water plan. The consultation was open from 29 April to 12 June 2020. The valuable insights gathered will be used to develop the draft Fitzroy Basin water plan which will be released for further consultation later this year. The final water plan is on track to be delivered in 2021, providing certainty for the community around the weir’s operation once construction is completed in 2023.
For more information on the water planning process, visit