2021 Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum – a resounding success
Posted on November 2nd, 2021
Thanks to the outstanding presenters and our event partners and Gold sponsors, CQG Consulting and John Holland, the 2021 Major Projects Forum was a resounding success.
The Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum was the premier project forum in the region, covering projects investing over $5bn in our region through to 2024/25.
Local industry partners participated in a day of learning and collaboration on the major projects and developments happening in our region and heard from industry leaders and project proponents on future investments and industry trends.
With the venue almost at capacity, the diverse line up of presenters engaged and informed the Forum attendees over the full day event. The strong focus on continued engagement and collaboration among industry saw a program jam-packed with updates on projects, deliverables and future opportunities.
Presenters at the Forum included: Ian Macfarlane (Queensland Resources Council), Peter Schofield (Yurika), Rory Holmes (Stanwell), Simon Currie (Energy Estate), James Foreman (Laing O’Rourke), Leigh Walters (Goldwind Australia), Lewis Glynn (Surf Lakes), Robert Sobyra (Construction Skills Queensland), Gene Tunny (Adept Economics), Mark Cope (SunWater), Everald Compton (Order of Australia Association), John Abbott (Inter-Port Global) and Elyse Reithmuller (Fitzroy Basin Association).
From the first presentation by Ian Macfarlane, QRC, on Leading Queensland through COVID and beyond to Elyse Reithmuller, FBA, summarising The next decade: Co-designing a stronger CQ to safeguard our region’s triple bottom line, attendees were informed of the region’s economy and outlook across a variety of projects and future opportunities.
All sessions finished with a Q&A opportunity allowing delegates to delve further into areas of interest, and an informal networking event was held at the day’s conclusion.
Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll was once again impressed by the range of information provided to attendees and the networking opportunities for industry representatives during the Forum.
“Central Queensland is currently booming with billions of dollars of development in the pipeline, presenting exciting opportunities for our regional business and local workforce,” Mary said.
Presentations will continue to be posted to https://capricornenterprise.com.au/economic-development/event-calendar/business-event-presentations/ following approval.
Ian Macfarlane, QRC Peter Schofield, Yurika Rory Holmes, Stanwell Corporation Simon Currie, Energy Estate Session 1 Panel Media doorstop James Foreman, Laing O’Rourke Leigh Walters, Golding Australia Lewis Glynn, Surf Lakes Robert Sobyra, CSQ Session 2 Panel Gene Tunny, Adept Economics Mark Cope, SunWater Everald Compton, Oder of Australia Association John Abbott, Inter-Port Global Elyse Reithmuller, FBA Session 3 Panel