Warning: unsolicited emails from tourism directory

Tourism and Events Queensland and Capricorn Enterprise continue to receive queries from Queensland tourism operators relating to unsolicited emails sent by a Queensland tourism business directory. This directory has no affiliation with TEQ and is not endorsed by TEQ. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) recommends the following precautions be taken to protect yourself against directory listing scams:

  • Always check offers are legitimate and offer a quality product/service before you sign up. Search the company name on the internet as many scams can be identified this way.
  • If the offer includes an outstanding invoice, ensure that it is from a business that you normally deal with. If not, it may be a scam.
  • Never give or clarify any information about your business unless you trust the other party. Also ensure you know what the information will be used for.
  • Beware of offers which come out of the blue and that you didn’t ask for. Scammers almost always approach businesses in this manner.
  • Do not let anyone pressure you into making decisions involving payments or ongoing contracts. Always get independent financial or legal advice.

If you are interested in listing your business details in a legitimate online directory, research your options first. Online reviews and forums may help.

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