Major Industry Forum speaker line-up
Posted on September 13th, 2022
Proudly sponsored by Gold Partners, CQG Consulting and NBN Co, the Capricorn Enterprise’s 2022 Major Industry Forum will be the meeting place for key industry insights and developments in our region on Thursday 13th October.
This year’s Forum is undergoing an exciting innovation and enhances the program followed by Major Projects Forums in previous years to include topics beyond major projects. We will highlight how our region is working as an economic powerhouse, through to development of our service industries and important local projects.
Delegates will hear from business and industry leaders whose insights are crucial to enhancing our understanding of the region as well as speakers from growth sectors who are well placed to highlight emerging trends and ideas that will take our region into the future.
Frank Edwards, Capricorn Enterprise Industry Engagement Manager, said, “The quality and range of our speaker program has always been, and continues to be, a drawcard for delegates wanting to stay abreast of significant local and regional industry and development.”
Included in this year’s speaker line-up are local, regional and state-wide presenters who will share their knowledge on a range of topics.
The 2022 Major Industry Forum includes presenters from major local industries, the health care sector and energy:
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service Chief Executive, Dr Emma McCahon, has 15 years’ experience in senior leadership and management roles in New South Wales Health and has held senior executive roles in large health services since 2011.
Also from the health care sector is Dr Vicki Richmond, the Board Chairperson and Co-founder of the Fitzroy Community Hospice in Central Queensland. Vicki is an experienced Specialist General Practitioner involved in the grass roots, community driven project which was initiated in late 2020 in response to shared concern regarding the palliative care available in Central Queensland.
Providing delegates with an update on the energy sector will be Peter Schofield, General Manager Energy and Infrastructure, Yurika. Peter has more than 24 years experience in executive leadership, general management, strategy, business growth, project development and consultancy roles across Australia and internationally. His senior leadership experience is grounded in large multi-jurisdictional and geographically dispersed projects and organisations with complex stakeholder requirements.
Mary Carroll, Capricorn Enterprise CEO, said, “We hope delegates enjoy the diversity of speakers and presentations at the Forum, as well as take advantage of a prime opportunity to network with industry leaders and engage in conversations about our abundant and ever evolving region.”
Don’t miss out on these dynamic discussions that unlock the potential for industry in Central Queensland. Early bird registration for the Forum is closing soon, this Friday 16th September –
More details about the 2022 Major Industry Forum and the full speaker program will be announced in the coming weeks.
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities remain, please contact Frank Edwards for more information –