Central Queensland Community Koala Survey
Posted on March 28th, 2023
Last year Dr Rolf Schlagloth and Dr Bradley Smith, from the Koala Research CQ group, received a CQUniversity Merit Grant to help them understand community attitudes to further koala conservation in Central Queensland. They are currently seeking residents of CQ to help them and would really appreciate if you would consider completing their survey, as well as sharing it with your CQ friends and family.
To access the survey, and for more information, please visit https://tinyurl.com/CQkoala.
By entering, you can go into a random draw to receive 1 of 5 x $100 gift vouchers. But please hurry, the survey is closing soon, on 31st March 2023.
Please help our local koala population!
They would like to hear from you even if you have never seen a koala before 🐨