Submit your EOI for the Growing future tourism program by Monday 11th September
Posted on August 2nd, 2023
- New $15 million Growing Future Tourism program.
- Focused on coastal and marine tourism, heritage and cultural tourism and ecotourism and sustainability.
- Co-funding of between $1 and $4 million.
The first round of a new $15 million Queensland Government investment in Growing Future Tourism experiences and infrastructure opens from Wednesday, 2 August.
Growing Future Tourism is designed to support tourism operators to develop visitor experiences in the new priority areas for growth highlighted by the industry led Towards Tourism 2032 roadmap.
The first $8 million round includes grants of between $1 million and $4 million with applicants co-funding at least 50 per cent of eligible project costs.
Potential examples of projects supported by the Growing Future Tourism initiative are:
- Marine tourism terminals, pontoons and jetties
- Tourism or resort accommodation
- Online, digital, virtual and augmented reality technology capable of enhancing a tourism experience or destination
- Dinosaur paleo tourism infrastructure and experiences
- First Nations tourism
- Ecotourism and sustainability
- Nature-based tourism
- Agritourism
The Growing Future Tourism program is part of the Queensland Government’s $20 million Budget commitment to supporting key initiatives of the industry’s Towards Tourism 2032 roadmap.
A second $7 million round of Growing Future Tourism will be rolled out in early 2024.
For more information, visit: