Hydrogen Grand Prix sponsor call out in Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast
Posted on August 1st, 2023
Prospective sponsors are invited to be part of the partnership hosting the CQ Horizon H2GP – a Hydrogen Grand Prix Program that will be run over six months, beginning in Term 4 2023 and culminating in an exciting Grand Prix event in April 2024.
Media coverage of this event included live event coverage on ABC National News,
recorded coverage featured on ABC National Evening News, radio, print and online coverage
on multiple media outlets and social media channels.
Stanwell Corporation is the overall CQ H2GP event sponsor and 13 teams are participating from the Gladstone region. To support more CQ local teams, including teams from Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast, sponsors are being sought for the 2023-24 season.
Read the Invitation to industry – sponsorship prospectus for more information about the sponsorship opportunities, costs and benefits.
About H2GP:
The H2GP program is delivered by Horizon Educational and encourages students to enrich their STEM learning by competing with like-minded students at regional, state, national, and international levels.
Participating students must apply a wide range of foundational knowledge acquired in the first part of the program throughout the competition. Their task is to design, engineer, and build their fuel cell-powered remote-control car and test it during a 4-hour race.
Students control every step of the process, from the earliest conceptual stages to maintaining and repairing their car during the marathon race.
H2GP enables a truly immersive experience that captures the rigor and excitement of real-world science and engineering!
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