Media Releases - Latest News

Natural disaster assistance following TC Debbie and associated rainfall and flooding

Following TC Debbie and the associated rainfall and flooding (28th to 31st March, 2017), financial assistance may be available from the State or Federal governments. Queensland government financial assistance for business may be available from QRAA. What assistance is available? A low interest… Read more »

Do these 7 things to help bring the visitors back

We know that right now the majority of businesses in Rockhampton, the Capricorn Coast, and surrounding areas, are really feeling the effects of ex TC Debbie and the resulting flooding of the Fitzroy River. We know the majority of this… Read more »

Have your say on the impacts of ex TC Debbie and flooding in our region

Capricorn Enterprise is seeking to identify the scope and scale of businesses and organisations affected by ex Tropical Cyclone Debbie and associated flooding to quantify the associated direct and indirect impacts to industry in this region for the two week period of… Read more »


Posted Monday, 3rd April, 2017 Dear Capricorn Enterprise Members, Please find below some fast facts that I encourage you to share with your clients, guests, colleagues: Expected peak of the Fitzroy River downgraded this morning by BOM from 9.4 metres… Read more »


QRA – Frontline response fact sheet NDRRA SDRA Summary

Fitzroy Flood Levels


Our Wonderful Volunteers – 30 Years of Service!

Nearly 340 collective years of service – that is the staggering years of donated time from thirty (30) wonderful volunteers over as many years at The Spire Visitor Information Centre on Gladstone Road in Rockhampton which has been managed by… Read more »

MEDIA RELEASE: Livingstone Shire’s (Capricorn Coast) Growing Population

Thursday 30th March 2017 MEDIA RELEASE: Livingstone Shire’s (Capricorn Coast) Growing Population The Livingstone Shire Council’s estimated resident population reached 37,455 people at 30 June 2016, increasing by 454 people or 1.2% since 30 June 2015.  This overall growth rate… Read more »

Record Domestic Visitors and Spend to Southern Great Barrier Reef in 2016!

After recent statistics revealed increased international visitors to the Southern Great Barrier Reef (SGBR) Destination, official figures have confirmed record domestic visitors (1.98 Million – up 1.6%) and record overnight visitor expenditure ($1.08 Billion – up 11.6%) to the year… Read more »

Continued growth of international visitors to the Southern Great Barrier Reef Destination!

The latest statistics from Tourism Research Australia confirm that international visitation to Australia, Queensland and the Southern Great Barrier Reef continues to grow. In the twelve (12) months to December 2016, international visitors to the Southern Great Barrier Reef (SGBR)… Read more »