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Facts about Queensland shark drumlines

Edited 10 February 2020 Shark drum-lines back in Queensland The Australian Government has committed $5 million to the Queensland Government to improve swimmer safety in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, by reinstalling standard shark drumlines while investing in modern… Read more »

A decade of development ahead – emerging signs of a positive and growing economy

Recently released data from a variety of sources confirms what Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll has been saying: there are signs of a positive and growing economy in our region. With the number and size of the major projects across… Read more »

Takarakka Bush Resort – Central Highlands People’s Choice Award Winner!

Capricorn Enterprise again partnered with Central Highlands Development Corporation for their biennial Business Excellence Awards. The Central Highlands Business Excellence Awards are designed to celebrate the efforts and achievements of the diverse community of the Central Highlands.  The awards recognise… Read more »

Cost of regional airfares – whose responsibility is it?

Whilst the blame game for the price of regional airfares continues between major airlines (Qantas and Virgin) and Australian Airports Association (AAA), business and leisure visitors to regional areas continue to pay the price. Whilst issues include rising fuel prices,… Read more »

The steaks have never been higher!

      A perfectly cooked steak can be a (medium) rare thing and something that locals and visitors to our renowned ‘beef capital’ truly treasure. Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast plays host to a whole herd of venues complementing our… Read more »

ADVERTISE NOW – 2019/20 Capricorn Coast Lifestyle and Visitor Guide

Advertising is now open for the 2019/20 Capricorn Coast Lifestyle and Visitor Guide. This guide is produced by Capricorn Enterprise and offers extremely good value to all participating members. Rates start from a low $295 and I would encourage you all… Read more »

Supporting a Regional Workforce through Project Engagement and CSQ Partnership

Jobs, Jobs and More Jobs for the CQ Region Whilst only in its infancy, the Capricorn Enterprise – Construction Skills Qld Partnership (Industry Skills Coordination Program) is positively advancing strategies to maximise local Industry participation and Workforce engagement across seven… Read more »

Conversations with Tourism and Events Queensland

Last week, over 70 tourism operators joined Capricorn Enterprise and our Southern Great Barrier Reef regional tourism partners in welcoming our Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) colleagues for their annual “Conversations with Industry”. Held at Salt Yeppoon, the TEQ event… Read more »

Message in a bottle

     They’ve been turning on the waterworks for the past 25 years. Meet the Capricorn Coast family who have struck liquid gold. There’s a quirky quote on the wall of Janette Heintze’s modest office which says, “I was thirsty, and… Read more »

Release of the 2019 Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report

The third Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report was released this week, outlining the use, factors influencing the condition, management effectiveness, resilience, risks to its future and likely outlook of the reef into the future. Since 2009, the Report has been… Read more »