Opportunities for Business
The Rockhampton Region is a natural hub for the future growth and development of Central Queensland with access to great health, education and transport facilities. With a local population of approximately 120,600 people and double that regionally, the Capricorn Coast/Rockhampton region services a wide area and provides great opportunities for new and expanding business and industry.
The City of Rockhampton is one of two key regional logistical centres outside the southeast corner of Queensland that provides support for health, retail, education, recreation, engineering and major industries that contribute to 7% of the state’s Gross State Product. Steady population and industry growth in the resources, manufacturing and primary industries sectors is supported by a wide range of retail, health and education services. These services also support the broader Central Queensland region.
Discover all things business in our region on the Live Capricorn Coast website, which includes more information on businesses registered in the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton area. With information on how to be your own boss, buy a local business, rent commercial property or relocate your business to the region, the Live Capricorn Coast website has a number of useful links to get you started.
For information about upcoming local business events, visit the Capricorn Enterprise Business Events calendar or the Live Capricorn Coast business events website.

The Rockhampton Region has well designed modern housing estates, strategically planned commercial and industrial precincts for your business. Affordability in the region is also perfect for new and expanding businesses, entrepreneurs, professionals and graduates with competitively priced industrial and commercial land available to support a variety of opportunities. Rockhampton’s newest industrial area, Gracemere Industrial Area, is located to take advantage of access to local and regional markets and Yeppoon’s Gateway Business Park gives business and industry immediate access to highly reliable trunk infrastructure.
Queensland’s first dual sector university, CQUniversity, provides a strong link between education providers and local industry. With the opportunities to learn and grow provided by CQUniversity, the Rockhampton Region benefits from a skilled workforce. The broader service region also provides graduates with the opportunity to develop a great range of skills.
Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) – Maximising opportunities for local industry
The Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative is about investing, building and training. It will provide Australian troops with better training opportunities and strengthen Australia’s relationship with Singapore, an important Defence partner. As host to this Initiative, the local communities of Central and North Queensland will benefit from economic opportunities that arise as the training areas are enhanced and as Singapore’s training activities increase.
Around $2 billion will be invested in the Central and North Queensland regions over the life of the Initiative. Consistent with the Initiative’s Memorandum of Understanding, the Maximising Opportunities for Local Industry Australian and Singapore Governments are committed to helping local businesses harness the opportunities associated with the Initiative.
Defence engages with local businesses and industry, to build awareness of potential opportunities and establish the necessary linkages to allow these opportunities to be realised. For information on upcoming events, visit our Business Events Calendar or contact Industry Engagement Manager, Frank Edwards.
Connect to jobs with SWBTA contractors by visiting the Shoalwater Bay Jobs portal.
Defence is committed to ensuring that the managing contractors who are building the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA) facilities engage local subcontractors and employ local workers.
The managing contractors have the jobs, employed either directly or with subcontractors, and each will be looking for workers at different times. People looking for work will need to register with each managing contractor separately.

Click here to view the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Fact Sheets
30 March 2020 – Laing O’Rourke is continuing to deliver the ASMTI project at Shoalwater Bay. In the current environment, they have recognised that local suppliers are going to become more important to the project. As such, they are very keen to hear from any businesses that are able and interested in supplying to the project.
In the current round of tenders they are seeking expressions of interest from businesses that can provide the following services:
- Construction Works – General Civil
- Construction Works – HV Infrastructure
- Construction Works – Corridors
- Construction Works – Electrical Services
- Construction Works – Communication Services
- Trade Prelims – Scaffolding
- Construction Works – Precast Supply & Install
- Trade Prelims – Weed Management
- Construction Works – Hydraulic Services
- Construction Works – Structural Steel Supply & Install
- Construction Works – Reinforcement Supply
- Trade Prelims – Precinct A – Civil site set up and access
- Construction Works – Formwork/Reinforcement/Concrete (FRP) (Eastern)
- Construction Works – Metalwork & Balustrading
- Construction Works – Roof Fall Arrest Systems
- Trade Prelims – Mobile Crane Package
- Construction Works – Door Frame Supply
- Construction Works – Door Supply & Install & Hardware Install
- Construction Works – Hardware Supply
Whilst for the majority of packages the questionnaire is not due back until 8th April, 2020, Laing O’Rourke would appreciate that those interested in WP.10006 and WP.10009 make every attempt to have the spreadsheet returned by 1st April.
If you are interested in any of these packages then please complete the linked prequalification questionnaire and send it back, directly to Laing O’Rourke as per the instructions. For further information about the ASMTI project, tendering process and important contact details, please click here.
24 March 2020 – Downer FKG JV notes the following packages were out to tender to the shortlisted tenderers as of Friday 20th March 2020:
- Site Sheds & Facilities
- Concrete Package Batching Plant
- Temporary Fence Hire
- Temporary Electrical Works
- Temporary Hydraulic Works
- Bin & Skip Hire
- Concrete Panels
- Structural Steel
- Civil Package A – UOTF
- Civil Package B – Williamson
- Civil Package C – Dingo Drive & Freshwater Beach
Information session and workshop timeline
See also Major Projects
24 September 2019 – Rockhampton – ASMTI Facilities Project at Shoalwater Bay Training Area: Tendering and Compliance Workshop
8 November 2018 Major Projects Forum – Presentations from Chris Birrer, First Assistant Secretary-Infrastructure, Department of Defence; Martin MacDonald, Project Manager and Contractor’s Representative, Defence Development, Downer; and Craig Simpson, Project Director, Laing O’Rourke Australia. Presentations available here.
10 Oct 2018 Defence Projects at Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area – “Maximising opportunities for local industry”. The ADF hosted a Contracting and Compliance Presentation “Maximising opportunities for local industry” at CQUni Rockhampton. In excess of 180 business representatives from across the extended region attended the presentations by Laing O’Rourke and Downer FKG.
SWBTA – Remediation Project Procurement Presentation October 10 2018 (FKG Downer)
ADF, Laing O’Rourke and Downer FKG Industry Briefing – October 10 Invitation
ASMTI Industry Briefing – October 10 2019 – Presentation by Laing O’Rourke
25 Sep 2018 Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative Managing Contractor Industry Briefing session where the Department of Defence in consultation with the Managing Contractor for the Shoalwater Bay Training Area will host a briefing for local industry about upcoming opportunities, with a focus on design and consultancy packages.
1 May 2018 Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative Construction Industry Networking Event where local businesses had the opportunity to meet with Managing Contractors tendering for works at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area.
30 April 2018 Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, announced the successful managing contractor for the Shoalwater Bay Remediation Project, Downer FKG, at an Industry Round Table.
7 March 2018 Australia – Singapore Military Training Initiative Construction Industry Briefing
14 December 2017 Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative – Industry Briefing, Kortes Resort. Hosted by Defence, for local businesses, industry representatives and community stakeholders, the briefing provided an update on implementation activities, timeframes and future tender opportunities.
30 August 2017 Capricornia Major Projects Forum, Empire Apartment Hotel. Updates on the Australia Singapore Military Training Initiative (Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area) by Sean Hawkins and Mick Reilly. AusIndustry engaged with regional businesses on the subject of “registering for defence contacts” (Rodney Love) and “forming business clusters” (Ross Contarino). Defence Primes engaged in a Q & A Session on the subject of “How Defence Primes engage with regional businesses”.
20 – 24 August 2017 Australia- Sinagpore Military Training Initiative Ministerial Business Delegation. Capricorn Enterprise was part of the Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative Ministerial Business Delegation led by Senator the Hon Marise Payne (Minister for Defence) and the Hon Steven Ciobo (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment), supported by Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry and Queensland Senator, the Hon Ian Macdonald.
30 May 2017 Quad Chart Workshop – How to develop compelling Quad Charts, Frenchville Sports Club. Quad Charts have been used by the international defence industry for many years to succinctly and effectively communicate a proposal or capability. These same techniques are now being used by companies as a way to market themselves better to defence and other prime contractors. This workshop was a ‘must’ for businesses wanting to better position their firm for potential defence contracts or indeed any others.
11 May 2017 Defence Business 101 Seminar, Frenchville Sports Club. This seminar provided businesses with an introduction to working in the Defence sector, what businesses need to know and do if they want to deal directly with defence or access prime contractor supply chains.
28 April 2017 Shoalwater Bay Training Area Redevelopment – Managing Contractor Contact Briefing Session, Travelodge. Briefing session re Registrations of Interest from suitably qualified entities to undertake the role of Managing Contractor for certain works on the basis described in the Invitation to Register Interest.
2 February 2017 Business Training Workshop – Defence Supply Chain Expectations, Empire Apartment Hotel. An opportunity to learn more about this important supply chain, with a presentation by Rodney Love from the Centre for Defence Industry Capability, followed by panel discussions with senior representatives from the Commonwealth Department of Industry Innovation and Science.
For further information:
Click here to download a copy of the regional infographic
Click here to download a copy of the Construction Skills Queensland Regional Profile 2017-18
Link up with local procurement opportunities – Register on RRIL |