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A major international investor has been secured for the Capricorn Coast which has been hailed a key turning point for our destination. Knight Frank Rockhampton and Region Principal Pat O’Driscoll has successfully completed the sale of Keppel Cove Master Planned… Read more »


Emu Park businesses have come to the rescue for stranded backpackers travelling north.  Emus Beach Resort at Emu Park on the Capricorn Coast is overflowing with backpackers unable to head further north. Paul and Mandy Neubecker are run off their… Read more »

Capricorn at GC2018 Investment Lunch

A strong contingency from Capricorn attended the Tourism Investment lunch on the Gold Coast yesterday at Queensland’s Official GC2018 business venue, Commonwealth House at Broadbeach. Attracting investment in Queensland’s tourism infrastructure is a priority for the Queensland Government, with Premier… Read more »

Rookwood Weir funding announced by Prime Minister

Prime Minister the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull today confirmed a Federal government grant of $176 Million to the Queensland State government, which is 50% of the total construction costs of the Rookwood Weir. Joined by the Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack… Read more »

Queensland STILL “Beautiful one day, perfect the next” – Find YOUR perfect next!

Great Keppel Island and local legends Thomas Busby and Jeremy Marou and their Busby Marou track “Blue Road” are front and centre of the new Tourism and Events Queensland campaign launched at the Commonwealth Games this week! Michael Branagh, Group… Read more »

Ambitious plan to save 10,000 lives

Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service are addressing the smoking prevalence and its related health effects among Central Queenslanders with an ambitious plan to save 10,000 lives from smoking-related deaths by the year 2030.  Smoking is the leading cause of… Read more »

Nearly $2 billion in Local Infrastructure Projects – Status Report 2018

The list of projects detailed below is a “snapshot” of pending infrastructure works programmed to commence across the local area over the ensuing 6 to 12 months (possibly longer for the Rookwood Weir Project which awaits Infrastructure Australia scrutiny). It… Read more »

See a new side of Rockhampton – Mount Archer’s new canopy walk

Residents and visitors will now be able to enjoy breathtaking views of Rockhampton with the opening of the first stage of Mount Archer’s Fraser Park new canopy walk  on Thursday afternoon 29th of March just in time for Easter. The… Read more »


Congratulations to Simon and  Michelle at Australian Nature Guides, Carnarvon Gorge who host Savannah Guides next week! Savannah Guides, the internationally acclaimed “Protectors and Interpreters of the Outback”, are holding their next Savannah Guides Field School at Carnarvon Gorge from… Read more »

Region’s iconic events to feature in Queensland Drive Campaign

Capricorn Enterprise has made a significant investment in Tourism and Events Queensland’s Drive Campaign to increase awareness of Queensland drive routes to inspire audiences to consider Capricorn for a driving holiday. This campaign will encourage empty nesters to plan a… Read more »